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Après avoir été insultée par son marie de "P****n de grosse", cette femme change radicalement de vie ! (Photos)

7 juin 2017 à 14h51


Après avoir été humiliée par son mari, cette jeune maman a décidé de tout changer.

Betsy Ayala, est une jeune maman de 34 ans. Vivant à Houston au Texas, celle-ci n'a pas toujours eu la vie qu'elle mène en ce moment. En effet, un beau jour, son propre marie la insultée de "P***** de grosse". Une humiliation pour celle dont l'homme a toujours été exemplaire mais qui a fini par totalement craquer (pour absolument rien en plus).

Après avoir entammé un régime drastique, celle-ci est finalement passée de 119 kilos à 69 en l'espace de quelques mois. Une transformation rapide, rendue possible grâce à la... Zumba et à un régime sans protéines. En plus d'avoir perdu quelques kilos, Betsy a également perdu son mari, après qu'elle lui ait demandé le divorce. Une belle revanche donc pour cette femme qui on en doute pas une seule seconde à du se sentir très blessée.

#TransformationTuesday �x"R�xÈ The biggest thing we always focus on when we want a transformation is weight and size ... I see so many transformations from my clients and friends and colleagues and the thing people don't see or realize are all the other things that change during the process ... you see their eyes and their demeanor, the way the fix themselves up, the way they dress, the way they speak and how they walk into a room and everything is different. I think so often people tell me how drastic mine was but I thinks it's not only because of the weight or the size but because of my soul. You can see in someone's smile or their gaze when they are truly happy and just in sync 100% with who they are because they are in love with themselves again. That feeling, that happiness and that peace to just exist completely on your own terms is indescribable and priceless. �x�xÈ❤️�x9 #iownthisnow -------------------------------------------- #21dayshakechallenge #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #noquitters #joinmyteam #Herbalife #herbalife24 #queenb #getfitnowaskmehow #relentless #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #momswholift #motivation #noexcuses #bestlifeever #consistency #fitness #fitspo #weightloss #transformation #bodyafterbaby #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #mommymakeover #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter

Une publication partagée par Betsy Ayala Ç️ 105 LBS (@queen_b_b) le

Transformation Tuesday �x"R�xÈ So guess who's at a new low �x"9�xÈ This girl right here �x"&�xÈ A month ago I was kind of in a funk and had gained over 10 lbs ... I think for me it's harder to come back and get back to it after gaining some of the weight you lost then when you first start. You feel discouraged and it sucks BUT quitting is not an option. I refocused the last month with our summer challenge and there you have it I'm at a weight I haven't been at since my freshmen year of college ... "I may be a lot of things but I am NO QUITTER" �x�xÈ❤️ -------------------------------------------- #21daysummerchallenge #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #noquitters #joinmyteam #Herbalife #herbalife24 #queenb #getfitnowaskmehow #relentless #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #momswholift #motivation #noexcuses #bestlifeever #consistency #fitness #fitspo #weightloss #transformation #bodyafterbaby #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #boss #mommymakeover #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter

Une publication partagée par Betsy Ayala Ç️ 105 LBS (@queen_b_b) le

#TransformationTuesday!!! This is my motivation #PrincessBella �xÈxÈ She will never be the reason I don't have time to be healthy or I can't invest in my health or well-being she is first and foremost the reason I make the time and find a way because I know if there's one person who will make or break her life it's me ... I could tell her a million times to be healthy or to love herself but I would much rather show her than tell her. Don't let your why be your why not. Everyone assumes I made a change in my life when my relationship fell apart but I actually started when she was 3 months old months before that happened and she is the reason I kept going even through the most difficult time in my life because I knew that now more than ever she was going to need a strong mom and I never want her to feel like she's the reason I didn't do something she is the reason I do everything. �x�xÈ❤️ -------------------------------------------- #21dayshakechallenge #lightthematch #alwaysinpursuit #noquitters #joinmyteam #Herbalife #herbalife24 #queenb #getfitnowaskmehow #relentless #fitmom #fitchick #girlswholift #momswholift #motivation #noexcuses #bestlifeever #consistency #fitness #fitspo #weightloss #transformation #bodyafterbaby #wellnesscoach #fueledbyherbalife #mommymakeover #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter

Une publication partagée par Betsy Ayala Ç️ 105 LBS (@queen_b_b) le