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Une jeune fille réussit à faire le tour de Chine en couchant avec ceux qui acceptent de l'héberger...(photo)

30 juin 2015 à 17h57


Cette jeune étudiante chinoise de 19 ans affirme que c'est une façon d'innover et de libérer la femme, d'autre pense au contraire que cette initiative dégrade l'image de la femme !

Mais apparemment Ju Peng est assez fière d'elle car elle a contacté les médias et a publié pas mal de postes sur son compte Weebo (sorte de Twitter chinois) afin de proposer son corps contre un hébergement et le transport...
"pour passer une nuit entière avec moi, en bénéficiant de mon attention exclusive, et d'avoir une chance de se montrer en compagnie d'une très belle fille"
Mais la demoiselle n'a pas froid au yeux, elle n'accepte pas n'importe qui... Il faut être beau, avoir moins de 30 ans, faire plus de 1,75 cm et bien évidemment, avoir de l'argent ! Pic shows: Girl, named by some Weibo users as Ju Peng, had posted an oline ad looking for "temporary boyfriends" who have to fund her transport and expenses while she is in the city. A 19-year-old girl who is funding an epic trip across China by bedding a different man in every city she stops in has created a sensation on the country' social network website. The girl - named by some Weibo users as Ju Peng from Shanghai - had posted an online ad looking for "temporary boyfriends" who must be "good looking, under 30, taller than 1.75 metres and, of course, rich." Says Ju: "They will fund my transport to their city and all my expenses while I am there and they need to be generous." She adds: "In return, they get a whole night with me, my undivided attention, and a chance to show themselves off in the company of a truly beautiful girl." Ju says she has travelled all over eastern China this way and wants to see the rest of the country. She said: "It is sort of like hitch hiking. It's nothing to be ashamed of." But critics say the deal is nothing but prostitution and have called for the ad to be taken down. One Weibo user Hsin Tao said: "If she was taking cash we'd all know what to call her. This is a disgusting way to carry on." (ends) Un concept assez étrange des vacances !